FAQs - livecarta.com
Frequently Asked Questions
AI Tools and Solutions
Creation of the questions for the Self-Assessment Quiz using AI or manually
Utilizing AI tool for creating content
Summary generation for book chapters
Using AI-Enhanced Curriculum Outline Builder
Account Management
I can't log in to a new device?
How do I change my password?
How do I reset my password?
Removing a Google account from LiveCarta
I was redirected from LawCarta to LiveCarta (LawCarta vs. LiveCarta)
How do I sign up for LiveCarta?
LMS integration guides (IMS LTI 1.3)
Instructor guide to adding LiveCarta materials to a course on D2L / Brightspace as an external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) or external link.
Student access to LiveCarta materials via LTI links in D2L/Brightspace.
Admin guide to setting up LiveCarta external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) on D2L/Brightspace.
Student access to LiveCarta materials via LTI links in Moodle.
Instructor guide to adding LiveCarta materials to a course on Moodle as an external tool (IMS LTI 1.3)
Admin guide to setting up LiveCarta external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) on Moodle.
Students access to LiveCarta materials via LTI links on Canvas.
Instructor guide to adding LiveCarta materials to a course on Canvas as an external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) or external link.
Admin guide to setting up LiveCarta external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) on Canvas.
Getting started with LiveCarta
How do I access books and materials assigned to me?
What is LiveCarta?
Do I have to be a student/author/professor to use LiveCarta?
What are Bundles?
What is a collection?
What is a custom copy?
How can I add and assign co-creators to custom copies and collections for editing?
How can I publish or sell a Binder on LiveCarta?
What can I publish on LiveCarta?
How do I publish a book or a publication?
If I already have my book or publication draft in a .doc or .ePub file, what is the best way to put it into the platform?
How do I create a Document?
Can I add my own ISBN?
How to add footnotes to my books and materials?
How to add co-authors to books and publications I create? How do I assign co-authors to edit chapters?
How do I add videos to books & content I create?
How do I make a minor revision after publishing? Can I correct typos or update broken links after publishing?
How to create and publish a New Edition?
How to set up selling my book(s) by chapter?
Content Customization and Study Tools
What is a Binder?
How do I share a Binder?
How do I share a Bundle?
How do I create a custom copy?
How do I add things to my binder?
How do I use the highlighter and add notes?
How do I share a document I create?
How to download a PDF?
How to create a collection?
How do I create a binder?
How do I create a duplicate copy of a book I created?
How do I share books and publications with other users?
How can I Copy links to parts of books within LiveCarta and what do they do?
Why does it show that my notes/highlights have been disconnected?
How do I create a bundle? Can I group multiple books and materials together?
Purchases, Payment & Shipping
How do I purchase LiveCarta books in bulk?
What payment methods can I use?
How much does it cost? Is LiveCarta free to use?
I ordered a print book. How long does shipping take?
How to request for payment on materials I've sold?
How do I purchase a book or add a book to my library?
What is your refund policy?
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