Students access to LiveCarta materials via LTI links on Canvas. -

Students access to LiveCarta materials via LTI links on Canvas.

1. Log into your institution’s Canvas and select your Course.

2. Select the desired Module view the embedded LiveCarta material within the module.

3. If you are accessing a LiveCarta material for the first time within you Canvas class, you may need to purchase it by going through the checkout process. Once you purchase a material, an account is automatically created on LiveCarta for you, and you will retain access to the purchased materials outside of the LMS directly in your LiveCarta account. To log into your account at please set a password by going through the Forgot Password flow.

If you have already purchased the materials on LiveCarta directly prior to accessing them via your, you should be able to view them right away (please make sure the same email was used on LiveCarta as is in your LMS account).

Once your LMS and LiveCarta accounts are connected you will see the details of that connection inside your LiveCarta account on the “My Profile” page in “LMS connection” section. If you need to disconnect your LiveCarta account from the LMS, please reach out to

If you are having issues viewing LiveCarta content inside your LMS, please make sure your browser is not blocking third-party cookies for the LMS URL. If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to


Related Articles:

Instructor guide to adding LiveCarta materials to a course on Canvas as an external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) or external link

Admin guide to setting up LiveCarta external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) on Canvas

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