Instructor guide to adding LiveCarta materials to a course on Canvas as an external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) or external link. -

Instructor guide to adding LiveCarta materials to a course on Canvas as an external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) or external link.

Instructor guide to adding LiveCarta LTI 1.3 tool to a course on Canvas

By following these steps, admins and instructors can easily add LiveCarta LTI links to any of their courses on Canvas. Adding LiveCarta materials via External Tool allows a seamless transition between your LMS and LiveCarta. Instructors can add full materials or individual chapters to their course without leaving the LMS using the deep-linking capabilities.

  1. On the left-hand menu, select “Courses”, and click on the course to which you would like to add LiveCarta materials.
  2. Inside the course, select “Modules”, and navigate to the Module in which you’d like to add LiveCarta materials. Press “+” button on that module, in the popup select “External tool” and select “LiveCarta Digital Materials”.
    1. If your LMS connection was set up by your LMS Admin to enable the deep-linking capabilities, a pop-up will be loaded in which you can select a LiveCarta resource or a specific chapter of a resource to link inside your Course without ever leaving the LMS. To find the item you need, use the Search bar. Click on a resource to select it and then choose if you’d like to link to the “Entire material” or a “Specific chapter”. If a “Specific chapter” option is selected, click on the name of a chapter or subchapter to select it. Once an entire resource or a chapter is chosen, click “Select” and then “Add Item”. You can select more than one item to add, in which case steps 3 and 4 described below will be skipped.
    2. You may choose to not use the deep-linking interface and paste a desired link to LiveCarta directly. In this case, after selecting “LiveCarta Digital Materials” in the list of external tools close the loaded pop-up. Paste a URL that you wish to use in the “URL” field. It can be a link to any material on LiveCarta: an entire book/material, a chapter within a material, or a specific excerpt of text (see an article about the Copy Link functionfor more details). 
  3. In the “Page name” field enter a title that best describes the URL.
  4. Make sure “Load in a new tab” is left unchecked and press “Add item”.

Instructor steps for adding LiveCarta material to Canvas as an External link

This can be used for a wide variety of teaching applications. You may use this function to link to an entire LiveCarta material, a specific chapter, or even small excerpts inside the text. You and your students will be taken to that precise spot on LiveCarta when clicking the link in Canvas.

It is important to note the difference between adding LiveCarta materials to Canvas as External link and External tool: automatic sign in during the first connection works only for External tool. To access external links seamlessly, the person should already be logged into LiveCarta, and may need to log in again on subsequent uses. 

To add an External link:
  1. Navigate to the module of your choice and press the  “+” button.
  2. Select “External URL” in the drop-down in the opened modal window.
  3. In the “URL” field enter a link to any LiveCarta page, material, chapter or text excerpt.
  4. In the “Page name” field enter a title that best describes the URL.
  5. Check “Load in a new tab” and press “Add item”.

Note: For further assistance, you may reach out to LiveCarta customer support at, or through the chat feature on


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Students access to LiveCarta materials via LTI links on Canvas

Admin guide to setting up LiveCarta external tool (IMS LTI 1.3) on Canvas

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