If I already have my book or publication draft in a .doc or .ePub file, what is the best way to put it into the platform? - livecarta.com

If I already have my book or publication draft in a .doc or .ePub file, what is the best way to put it into the platform?

Authors who have already written their own material or prefer to use their own word processing program of choice can choose to submit their completed and cleared book or publication to LiveCarta after contacting us via email at support@livecarta.com or our Contact Us page. The LiveCarta team will walk you through this process, and will require your completed work to be in .docx or .epub format. Once your book has been uploaded to LiveCarta, you will be contacted so that you may finalize all details before publishing. LiveCarta also has a rich text editor that allows you to edit your material directly on the platform.


Related FAQs:

What can I publish on LiveCarta?

How do I publish a book?

How to add co-authors to books I create?

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