How to create and publish a New Edition? -

How to create and publish a New Edition?

Information continues to evolve and be updated quickly.  LiveCarta tools can help you update your published work by publishing a new edition anytime. To create a New Edition:

    1. From within "My Library", select your published book, which can be found under “All Materials”, “All Books” or the “Original Books” tabs. Under your published book, click the three-dot menu icon and select “Create New Edition.”

    2. Review the pop-up information stating that your new edition will replace the current in the "Catalog". Check the box “Share it with the same Co-Authors” if you’d like to share revisions with co-authors and click “Save”. An editable book will now be available for you to make revisions and updates. Open the editable new edition and make the necessary changes. Select the “Submit for Publishing” button when you’re ready to publish the new edition.

    3. Select a “Discipline” and a discipline “Sub-category” for your book from the available drop-down menus. Once selected, click “Next”.

    4. If you work for a university, you will have the opportunity to indicate “Yes” or “No” and which university you work for from the drop-down menus. You may also enter your title at the university in the available text box. Once selected, click “Next”.

    5. Here, you may decide a price for your book or choose to publish the book for free and select a publish date from the drown calendar interface. You may also select no price if you intend to distribute your book for free.

    6. Check the box to agree to the terms of service, then hit the “Publish” button.

The previous edition will now be replaced with a new edition after the publication has been approved.  The previous edition will still be available for purchase with a direct catalog link.

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