Back-to-School with LiveCarta: Enhance Your Fall Semester Teaching Effortlessly - LiveCarta

Back-to-School with LiveCarta: Enhance Your Fall Semester Teaching Effortlessly

How To Become An Author In 2020
August 17, 2023

The new academic year is just around the corner, and as professors and instructors, you're probably gearing up to ensure that your students have the best learning experience possible. However, the cost of course materials can often be a burden on both educators and students alike. Enter LiveCarta, your ultimate solution for tailoring and supplementing educational content to create relevant and affordable teaching materials. Let's dive into how LiveCarta can revolutionize your teaching approach this Fall semester.

Affordable and Relevant Teaching Materials: Putting Quality Within Reach

Providing quality course materials is a priority, but the financial strain it places on students can't be ignored. With LiveCarta's extensive Catalog, you have access to a wide range of affordable and Open Educational Resources (OER) titles. Additionally, LiveCarta's innovative buy-by-chapter option ensures that you only pay for the content you need, ultimately lowering the overall cost of materials without compromising on quality. This not only makes education more accessible for students but also empowers you to curate a tailored curriculum.

Time-Saving Tools and Support: Effortlessly Craft Custom Teaching Materials

Crafting custom teaching materials has never been easier. LiveCarta offers a suite of user-friendly tools that empower you to create personalized content effortlessly. Whether you're an independent creator or prefer assistance, our dedicated support team is here to provide expert advice on selecting the best tools for your teaching goals and guiding you on their effective usage. This support streamlines your preparation process, giving you more time to focus on teaching and interacting with your students.

Enhance Engagement: Make Learning Materials More Relevant and Engaging

Customization is key when it comes to engaging students in the learning process. With LiveCarta, you have the ability to customize textbooks or curate custom Collections by selecting chapters from various books. This allows you to align the content with your desired learning outcomes and inject additional text and media to enrich the material. The result is a more immersive and engaging learning experience, helping students grasp complex concepts more effectively.

LMS Integration: Seamlessly Integrate LiveCarta Materials into Your Learning Environment

Keeping all your teaching materials in one place is crucial for efficiency. LiveCarta offers seamless integration with popular Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and D2L, supporting IMS LTI 1.3 compliance. This means you and your students can access LiveCarta materials directly from your LMS. Whether it's a complete book, specific chapters, or even smaller sections, you can effortlessly link relevant content, creating a cohesive learning experience.


As you gear up for the Fall semester, LiveCarta is here to transform your teaching approach. By leveraging its tools and features, you can provide affordable, relevant, and engaging course materials that enhance the overall learning experience. Say goodbye to the financial burden of traditional textbooks and the hassle of managing multiple platforms. Embrace LiveCarta and usher in a new era of effective and efficient teaching. Your students will thank you, and you'll find your teaching experience elevated to new heights.

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