We are thrilled to announce that Packt study materials are now available on LiveCarta, giving you the power to customize your learning experience. With LiveCarta's innovative platform, you can now curate your ideal collection of Packt study materials and enhance comprehension and engagement.
Packt are an established global technical learning content provider, founded in Birmingham, UK with over twenty years’ experience in delivering premium rich content from ground-breaking authors on a wide range of emerging and popular technologies. Packt are dedicated to staying ahead of the curve, responding swiftly and consistently to the demands of the rapidly changing technology sector. Their extensive library boasts over 9,000 books, e-books, audio books and video learning materials. The content is rich with practical learning and aligned to the latest industry advancements.
Packt’s mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways. Working towards that vision, they provide the actionable knowledge needed to get the job done - whether that’s specific learning on an emerging technology or optimizing key skills in more established tools.
Using Packt study materials on LiveCarta you can now create binders and bundles! Tailor your reading materials by curating your own binders and bundles from Packt books. Educators can compile resources specific to their courses, providing comprehensive and tailored content for their students.
Whether you're a developer, data scientist, or an IT professional, LiveCarta and Packt offer a refreshing approach to learning. Optimize your learning experience, align it with your goals, and explore a transformative journey unlike any other.
Visit LiveCarta's catalog of Packt study materials.