E-publishing Solutions for Enhancing Education

E-publishing Solutions for Enhancing Education

How To Become An Author In 2020
March 8, 2024

The education landscape is undergoing a digital revolution. E-publishing is rapidly transforming textbooks and learning materials, offering exciting possibilities for both educators and students. LiveCarta, a leading provider of content management solutions, is at the forefront of this movement, empowering publishers and institutions with a suite of innovative e-publishing tools designed to enhance education.

Are you a publisher looking to expand the reach of your educational content? Or an institution seeking to create more engaging and personalized learning experiences? This article explores how LiveCarta's innovative e-publishing solutions are transforming the education landscape. We'll delve into the benefits LiveCarta offers publishers and institutions, showcasing features that empower educators, foster student engagement, and ultimately deepen learning outcomes.

Transform static eBook content into a collection of powerful elements to extract new value

Universities, colleges and trade schools are evolving into hybrid learning institutions mandating new course development strategies that serve a wide spectrum of in-person classroom learners, online students, business professionals, continuing education customers and micro-credential program enrollees. The old models are under constant scrutiny as digital native classes become the norm and uniform-cost inclusive access (IA) directives take hold. EdTech-aware publishers can seize the opportunity to address the new landscape for university course builders by offering their own suite of LiveCarta-powered features:

  • Full eBook and on-demand chapter selection options for HigherEd purchasers
  • Digital rental capabilities for creator-determined lengths
  • Funcionality for users to publish own teaching materials, update anytime and assign to others
  • Functionality for users to customize chapters 
  • Functionality for users to curate Collections of chapters
  • Functionality for users to integrate audio, video, images and animations

Addressing Gaps in Traditional Publishing

With a keen focus on the gaps within traditional publishing cycles and the rapid evolution of technology-centric subjects, LiveCarta introduces tools that redefine content creation, updates, and reordering. Pioneering features like pay-by-chapter (PBC) and the world's first Remix-on-Demand (RoD) software engine empower educators to tailor curricula with unprecedented flexibility. This functionality, once exclusive to top academic publishers, is now extended to the academic publishing community, empowering them to better serve their primary customers—universities—thus enhancing the learning experience for students.

How LiveCarta Addresses the Challenge

LiveCarta stands as a strategic ally for HigherEd publishers, offering a suite of features designed to tackle the intricacies of this evolving educational landscape:

Full eBook and On-Demand Chapter Selection Options:

  • LiveCarta provides HigherEd publishers with the tools to offer flexible access, allowing educators to choose between full eBook access or on-demand chapter selection. This adaptability ensures that publishers can meet the specific needs of HigherEd purchasers.

Digital Rental Capabilities with Flexible Durations:

  • Recognizing the financial constraints faced by HigherEd students, LiveCarta introduces digital rental options with customizable durations. This not only aligns with changing economic dynamics but also addresses the affordability concerns of students.

Customizable Chapters:

  • LiveCarta empowers HigherEd publishers to cater to diverse learning styles by enabling users to customize chapters. This feature facilitates a more personalized and effective learning experience, meeting the expectations of today's dynamic classrooms.

Chapter Collection Curation:

  • In a landscape where tailored solutions are key, LiveCarta facilitates the creation of curated chapter collections. HigherEd publishers can curate content to align with specific learning objectives, ensuring a more dynamic and responsive curriculum.

Integration of Multimedia Elements (Audio, Video, Images, and Animations):

  • Recognizing the impact of multimedia on engagement, LiveCarta allows seamless integration of audio, video, images, and animations. This feature caters to varied learning preferences and enhances the overall learning experience.

Cater needs of academia with AI:

  • Elevate the academic experience with our cutting-edge AI-powered tools: Chapter Search and Curriculum Outline Builder. We simplify the process for educators, making it effortless to find relevant content and seamlessly create, manage, and deliver courses tailored to their specific needs.

Seamless LMS integration:

  • LiveCarta seamlessly integrates with all IMS LTI 1.3 compliant learning management systems, such as Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and D2L.The integration process is straightforward, and our dedicated team ensures 100% guidance throughout.

By equipping publishers with these tools, LiveCarta empowers them to better serve their customers – universities – who can then prioritize student success. 

Adaptable Textbooks for Personalized Learning

LiveCarta empowers educators to personalize learning materials with features like Collections, where Individual Chapters from different books can be remixed and supplemented with custom content. The Custom Copy function allows instructors to modify existing books to perfectly align with their teaching needs. Digital Binders offer a convenient way for students to clip and compile specific sections from various books for easy reference. Finally, the Bundle feature enables instructors to compile a range of learning materials, including books, custom copies, documents, and articles, into a single, shareable resource for students.


In conclusion, LiveCarta emerges as a pivotal player in the ongoing transformation of education, offering innovative e-publishing solutions that address longstanding challenges in traditional methods. Our emphasis on adaptability, underscored by features like pay-by-chapter and Remix-on-Demand, signifies a commitment to providing educators and HigherEd publishers with unprecedented flexibility. The integration of multimedia, customizable chapters, and digital rentals further reflects our dedication to meeting the evolving needs of students in a rapidly changing educational landscape. 

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