LiveCarta and River Publishers Join Forces to Empower Educators - LiveCarta

LiveCarta and River Publishers Join Forces to Empower Educators

How To Become An Author In 2020
May 25, 2023

LiveCarta is thrilled to announce our new partnership with River Publishers, an international publisher specializing in Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM) research monographs, professional books, handbooks, edited volumes, and journals. As a leading market player, River Publishers' mission is to provide state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed, English language academic and professional content written by academics and engineers for the institutional and professional markets.

Through this partnership, LiveCarta aims to revolutionize the way educators create and deliver learning materials by offering a selection of River Publisher books that are flexible and customizable.

  • Pay for the parts you need with our flexible pricing model that lets you purchase individual chapters
  • Adapt books to be relevant and customized with your own notes for more engaging content
  • Combine chapters across books for comprehensive, up-to-date, and personalized teaching resources
  • Bundle books, papers, videos, and more to create course packs that you can distribute to students

We are excited to work with River Publishers to push new publishing concepts that empower educators to create relevant and personalized learning materials.

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