Features | LiveCarta


Choose flexible tools for your personal needs



Write and Publish books

  • Publish whenever you’re ready
    Get started with the word editor to write and enhance your book with digital features — add video, audio, images, links, tables, and more.
  • High royalties
    Set your own price for work you’ve created and earn royalties of 50% or higher.
  • Author setting options
    Before you publish, select your control options- allow/restrict the ability to download pdf, write public notes, order a printed copy and create derivatives, or assign it to specific users.
  • Create new editions and minor revisions anytime
    It can take as little as a few minutes — never worry about delays between editions and revisions.
  • Format options
    Give your readers the option to download PDFs or order printed copies of your book.
  • Easy-to-use online editor
    A straight-forward toolbar of writing capabilities to assist you in creating and formatting your work. Type, edit, and save in real time.

Professors and Educators

Have an extension of your classroom online

  • Create teachable courses
    Use the courses feature to create an organized space where you can add your own books, notes, reviewers, etc. or find new material from the LiveCarta catalog that can be modified & annotated. You can choose to add material all at once or as the course progresses. Invite students to join so that they can find all their learning materials in one convenient place. Give special permission to TA’s and students to modify or make changes.
  • Produce customized versions of books
    A great tool to personalize learning for you and your students. This allows you to create derivatives of books to match your lesson plan. Use the editor to make a custom version where you can include your own annotations, hide and rearrange chapters to align with your syllabus, and supplement your copy with added multimedia such as videos, images, audio, links, tables, and more.
  • Make use of our available templates
    Find editable templates on the documents page to create a syllabus, academic paper, and other learning materials.

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