Manning - LiveCarta Partnership Announcement - LiveCarta

Manning – LiveCarta Partnership Announcement

How To Become An Author In 2020
November 4, 2022

LiveCarta, an innovative platform for the creation, customization, and publishing of educational materials, is proud to announce our partnership with Manning Publications, an independent publisher of computer books, videos, and projects for software developers, engineers, architects, systems administrators, managers, and all who are professionally involved with technology.

See how you can adjust Manning books to your educational needs!

This partnership pushes new concepts in publishing, for Educators to rewrite the rules in composing learning material, by offering a selection of books that are flexible and customizable.

  • Adapt books to be relevant and customized with your own notes
  • Pull together sets of chapters across Manning books for comprehensive, up-to-date, and personalized teaching resources
  • Bundle books, papers, videos, and more to create course packs that you can distribute to students

"LiveCarta’s unique technology enables an esteemed publisher like Manning to provide personalized learning materials to students in Computer Science, Data Analytics, and other critical technology fields. We look forward to expanding our content's availability across the entire college market through LiveCarta," said Jeffrey Pepper, Program Manager, Manning Publications.

"LiveCarta was built with two main ideas in mind, to provide educators with the flexibility to design their learning material utilizing content from quality publishers like Manning and make this learning material affordable and cost-effective. Educators have the ability to bring a collection of chapters across multiple Manning books to produce the ultimate educational resource on a given subject.  Books, collections, scholastic papers, and binders can be packaged together in one bundle for students.  Finally, all content on LiveCarta is available on popular LMS’s such as Canvas or Blackboard", said Richard Speakman, President of Tributary Publishing. "We are really excited to partner with Manning Publications and offer educators innovative ways to bundle learning materials."

Check out the catalog for the latest Manning additions and explore the customization functionality of LiveCarta!



LiveCarta is an online platform for publishing, customizing, and distributing books & materials. Flexible online solutions for everyone.

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